"Hospitality Training: Do Learning Styles Matter?" by Alison J. Green

Organization, Information and Learning Sciences ETDs

Publication Date



The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore the learning styles and delivery mode preferences in hospitality training. The delivery modes were online, using Centra\u2122, and traditional training or face to face workshop. Data was collected from participants (n=79) in training within a large hospitality organization over a total of 11 workshops, 6 traditional, 5 online. This study examined how best to use the results in training at the instructional system design level to help deliver the appropriate training delivery modes. There were a total of four research questions analyzed. A correlational analysis, independent t-test and 2x1 ANOVAs were used to analyze the appropriate research question. Index for Learning Styles (ILS) was used to determine the learning styles of the participants, pretest and posttest measured the learning and additional demographic questions were asked. There has been literature studying delivery modes in university classrooms, yet there is a gap in real practice research within the hospitality organization.

Degree Name

Organizational Learning and Instructional Technology

Level of Degree


Department Name

Organization, Information & Learning Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

O'Halloran, Robert

Second Committee Member

Hood, Jacqueline

Third Committee Member

Salisbury, Mark




Adult learning--Psychological aspects, Training--Psychological aspects, Cognitive styles, Hospitality industry--Study and teaching, Web-based instruction--Evaluation

Document Type

