Nanoscience and Microsystems ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 12-10-2022


The addition of nanocarbons to copper (Cu), specifically in the form of graphene (GN), has been shown to enhance copper's properties. GN-Cu nanocomposites can potentially achieve higher electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties compared with copper. These characteristics make GN-Cu materials interesting for several applications including but not limited to interconnects, high voltage lines, and rotating machines. Copper’s microstructure and nanoscale interfacial phenomena between the GN and Cu control charge conduction in GN-Cu materials. In this work, we investigated the possibilities of conductivity enhancement in multi-layered GN-Cu composites both theoretically (classical, quantum, and atomistic models) and experimentally.

Additionally, our work elucidates possible errors in electrical conductivity measurements of thin GN-Cu films. GN-Cu samples were prepared by the processing of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) GN on Cu samples using spark plasma sintering (SPS) or hot isostatic pressing (HIP). Structure-property relationships, measured over a wide temperature range, revealed conduction mechanisms in these materials. This dissertation also investigates the high electrical current processing of copper-carbon melt, namely the Covetic processing.


Graphene copper conductors, composites, ultraconductors, Covetic


Office of Naval Research

Document Type




Degree Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

Level of Degree


Department Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

First Committee Member (Chair)

Yu-Lin Shen

Second Committee Member

Sang M Han

Third Committee Member

Mehran Tehrani

Fourth Committee Member

Ivana Gonzales
