Summer 1993
Harnessing International Law to Determine Israeli-Palestinian Water Rights: The Mountain Aquifer
Eyal Benvenisti and Haim Gvirtzman
Federalism and Offshore Oil Leasing Resources
Margaret A. Walls
Allowable Sale Quantity (ASQ) of Timber as a Focal Point in National Forest Management
Greg Brown, Jay O'Laughlin, and Charles C. Harris
The Institutional Imperative: Resolving Transboundary Water Conflict in Arid Agricultire Regions of the United States and the Commmon Wealth of Independent States
Susan J. Buck, Gregory W. Gleason, and Mitchel S. Jofuku
Legal Aspects of Transboundary River Basins in the Middle East: The Al Asi (Orontes), the Jordan and the Nile
Dante A. Caponera
Settlement of Indian Reserved Water Rights Claims
Michael J. Clinton
Institutional Feasibility of Contingent Waste Marketing to Increase Migratory Flows for Salmon on the Upper Snake River
Ray Huffaker, Norman K. Whittlesey, and Phillip R. Wndschneider
Groundwater Rights in an Uncertain Environment: Theoretical Perspectives on the San Luis Valley
Kathleen A. Miller, Lawrence J. MacDonnell, and Steven L. Rhodes
Preservation of Waterfowl Habitat in Western Canada: Is the North American Waterfowl Management Plan a Success
Cornelis G. Van Kooten