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Commitment to Excellence

Natural Resources Journal (NRJ) is a student-run legal publication. All articles undergo a group review process and, for those articles chosen for publication, an extensive editorial review and revisions by third-year law students at The University of New Mexico School of Law. NRJ is committed to the highest standards of quality and integrity in the publication of articles, case notes, and reviews.

NRJ editors work to identify plagiarism and methodically review articles under consideration for publication for citation manipulation and/or data falsification. The University of New Mexico does not encourage research misconduct or plagiarism, nor knowingly allow this to take place. NRJ will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies diligently if and when they are required.

Submitting an Article

The NRJ welcomes articles on natural and environmental resources and the law, especially as it relates to policy and interdisciplinary efforts. NRJ does not charge a fee for submitting or processing articles. The NRJ does not publish press releases.

The material submitted to the NRJ must be original work and previously unpublished, in whole or in part. Author should obtain permission for use of any copyrighted materials or trademarks, and provide this consent to NRJ. Please note that purely scientific articles are not appropriate for publication in the Natural Resources Journal and that all submitted articles should have citations in Bluebook form.

The NRJ prides itself on its open access policies; all articles are available upon completion with no embargo period. If you, the author, are subject to any mandates from your institution, funder, or government regarding access that is not described on this web site, please consult with NRJ prior to signing any agreements.

Articles must conform to the guidelines established for Manuscript Preparation for Accepted Authors. Please review these guidelines prior to submitting an article.

Please visit our website for more information on submitting an article.