U.S. - Mexico Transboundary Resource Issues
Front Matter
Front Matter
Natural Resources Journal
A Word of Caution about Water Conservation
A. Dan Tarlock
Decree: The Congress of the United Mexican States Decrees Federal Act Relating to the Sea
Congress of the United Mexican States
Transboundary Oil and Gas Selected Bibliography
Alberto Székely
Introduction to U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Resource Issues
Will R. Knedlik
Transboundary Resources: A View from Mexico
Alberto Szekely
Hydrocerbon Deposits of the Border Region between Mexico and the United States and Potential Exploitation Problems in Transboundary Deposits: A Preliminary Report
Carmen Pedrazzini and Joaquin T. Teyssier
Energy on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Ross L. Shipman
On an institutional Arrangement for Developing Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Mexico
Albert E. Utton and Paul D. McHugh
The International Law of Submarine Transboundary Hydrocarbon Resources: Legal Limits to Behavior and Experiences for the Gulf of Mexico
Alberto Szekely
Conflictual Interdependence: United States-Mexican Relations on Fishery Resources
Biliana Cicin-Sain, Michael K. Orbach, Stephen J. Sellers, and Enrique Manzanilla
Student Articles
Regulation of Electric Utilities and Affiliated Coal Companies - Determining Reasonable Expenses
Jane Marx
Locke v. U.S., Substantive Due Process, Compulsory Abandonment and Forfeiture of Mining Interests; Claimants Locked Out
David L. Skinner
Book Reviews
Pacific Shift, by William Irwin Thompson
Michael D. McGuire
Environmental Law and American Business: Dilemmas of Compliance, by Joseph F. DiMento
Paulette L. Stenzel
Scarce Water and Institutional Change, K. D. Frederick, ed.
Susan Christopher Nunn
Books Received
Natural Resources Journal
Index--Volume 26
Natural Resources Journal