Document Type



The IHS Trends in Indian Health attempts to fulfill the basic statistical information requirements of parties that are interested in the IHS. The tables and charts contained in the IHS Trends in Indian Health describe the IHS program and the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives residing in the IHS service area. The IHS service area consists of counties on and near federal Indian reservations. The Indians residing in the service area comprise about 60 percent of all Indians residing in the U.S. Information pertaining to the IHS structure and American Indian and Alaska Native demography, patient care, and community health are included. Historical trends are depicted, and comparisons to other population groups are made, when appropriate. Current regional differences information can be found in the IHS companion publication called Regional Differences in Indian Health. The tables and charts are grouped into six major categories: 1) IHS Structure, 2 ) Population Statistics, 3) Natality and Infant/Maternal Mortality Statistics, 4) General Mortality Statistics, 5) Patient Care Statistics, and 6) Community Health Statistics . The tables provide detailed data, while the charts show significant relationships . A table and its corresponding chart appear next to each other. However, some charts that are self-explanatory do not have a corresponding table. Also, a few tables have more than one chart associated with them.

Publication Date



Indian Health Service, Staff Office of Planning, Evaluation and Research, Division of Program Statistics, Rockville, MD 20857.
