Music ETDs
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Statement of the problem. It is the purpose of this study to establish guidelines which may be used in complement with National Interscholastic Music Activities Commission Form V-7 in participation at Music Educators National Conference District Festivals. These guidelines are to help clarify standards of high school choral performance.
Method of investigation. A review of related literature was the source of information implemented in this study. This information, gained from respected choral and vocal artists, was summarized using the NIMAC Form V-7 as a format for the organization of data.
Findings of the study. The elemental achievements upon which high quality performances by high school choirs are contingent comprise a complex and formidable list. The culmination of the ideals of high quality performance requires the comprehension of many intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
A high school performance of high quality is marked by a command of musical technique combined with effective artistic communication. These are contingent upon:
- Interpretative and sensitive insights bearing upon the intrinsic values to be found in effective choral practice.
- Mastery of the details of technique of choral practice.
- A sincere faith in the cogent qualities of music participation, the artistic significance of music and the practice of music.
- A fervid desire to seek, relate to and impart the essence of musical ideas.
- The psychological and physiological means through which to render the beauty and expressive qualities of music.
- Evidence of discipline, feeling of ensemble, unity, precision, and an effective visual as well as audible expression.
The realization of these ideals in reflected in the effect which such performances create. These transcend mere technical considerations. The performances assume so much vitality and spontaneity that the chorus becomes not merely the agent but the very voice of the musical idea. The phenomenon of such a performance repays in abundance all who participate. Summary and conclusions. The close association of this study with the related literature of choral practice, philosophies, concepts, and techniques reveals that this information is fragmentary and greatly diffused.
- Scientific, technical, philosophical research is greatly needed in the field of choral practice.
- Respected choral artists at this time generally do not commit themselves on the important issues of choral practice, choosing instead to propagate their ideals through their students and proteges.
- Vocal pedagogy of the high school voice is practically nonexistent.
- Standards of high school choral practices are greatly disorganized and inconsistent.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Jack Ramsey Stephenson
Second Committee Member
Douglas Reeve McEwen
Third Committee Member
Donald Christopher McRae
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Vasquez, Floyd E.. "The Establishment of Guidelines for Standards of Performance by High School Choral Groups." (1968). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/63