Music ETDs
Publication Date
In November of 1952, a collection of musical and dramatic manuscripts were discovered on a garbage dump in the mountainside mining town of Jerome, Arizona. They were donated to the University of New Mexico and stored at Zimmerman Library until 1973 when they were transferred to the Fine Arts Library. The majority of the manuscripts were discovered to be handcopied orchestral parts and scores of 19th-century Spanish zarzuelas with handcopied or printed librettos. The original owner of the collection was Manuel Areu (1845-1944?), singer, director and producer of the zarzuelas.
This thesis attempts to provide an historical review of the genre known as the zarzuela, as well as a reference source for the use and investigation of the Manuel Areu Collection. Presented within arc a brief history of the zarzuela, a biography of Manuel Areu obtained from interviews with his descendants now living in Los Angeles, a musical and textual analysis of one zarzuela from the collection and an annotated checklist of the contents of the collection.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Susan Bess Patrick
Second Committee Member
William M. Seymour
Third Committee Member
Sean Daniel
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Montaño, Mary Caroline. "The Manuel Areu Collection Of 19Th Century Zarzuelas." (1976). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/57