Music ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 12-21-2022
I have selected six works I composed during my master’s program at UNM from 2020 to 2022. My String Trio, "The Fall," is one of the first works I wrote and recorded in 2020, as my experience with using some modal, tonal, and post-tonal elements employs some non-traditional techniques. The vocal piece "Human Beings" was my experience using Farsi and English texts and employing modal and post-tonal elements. The next work is "The Secrets Eternal" for Baritone (voice), Trumpet, Trombone, and bass Clarinet, which is recorded in early 2022. "The Forest" is my first electroacoustic piece employing some Persian instruments in non-traditional sounds. "Perception" is my quintet for Santour, Piano, Viola da Gamba, Bassoon, and dabble Bass and is considered a combination of traditional and extended techniques in all parts. "The Secret of Life" is my experience in choreography music with Ana Lopez. The work is recorded based on Persian traditional instruments and both traditional and non-traditional sounds and techniques.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Peter Gilbert
Second Committee Member
Dr. Karola Obermueller
Third Committee Member
Dr. Richard Hermann
Composition, String Trio, Vocal, Non-traditional, Electroacoustic, YouTube link
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Sefati, Sourena. "Composition Portfolio." (2022). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/47