Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-22-2019
The goal of this dissertation is to provide a foundation for the advancement of additive manufacturing (AM) toward production of high-performance carbon fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites (CFRPs). AM can provide valuable advantages over conventional composite manufacturing techniques, including the control over fiber orientation, capability of manufacturing complex geometries, out-of-autoclave processing, elimination of the need for composite tooling, and the ability to perform lights-out manufacturing. Currently, however, a suite of challenges related to modelling, design, manufacturing defects, and general limitations in the current understanding of the processing-structure-property relationships exist in AM of composites. To this end, this dissertation investigates novel approaches to modelling of continuous fiber AM composites using local anisotropic material properties, utilizing design optimization for AM composites, post-processing high-value composites to remove internal porosity, and determining the processing-structure-property relationships of AM CFRPs across the nano-, micro-, and meso- length scales.
Additive manufacturing, carbon fiber, PEEK, topology optimization, fiber-matrix interphase, nanomechanical mapping
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Yu-Lin Shen
Second Committee Member
Mehran Tehrani
Third Committee Member
Mahmoud Taha
Fourth Committee Member
Andrew Williams
Document Type
Recommended Citation
van de Werken, Nekoda. "Additively Manufactured Continuous Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Composites for High-Performance Applications." (2019). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/178