Mechanical Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-9-2019


Experiments conducted in the Shock Tube Facility at the University of New Mexico are focused on characterization of shock-accelerated flows. Single-phase (gaseous) initial conditions consist of a heavy gas column of sulfur hexafluoride seeded with approximately 11% acetone gas by mass. Visualization of the image plane for gaseous initial conditions is accomplished via planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) with a high-powered Nd:YAG ultraviolet laser and an Apogee Alta U-42 monochrome CCD camera, with a quantum efficiency > 90%. Multi-phase (gas-solid) initial conditions consist of glass micro-beads deposited on small 1-cm diameter discs of specific surface chemistry, mounted flush with the bottom wall of the test section. Visualization of the resulting multi-phase instabilities is achieved via Mie-scattering of visible light (532nm wavelength) laser pulses and a Hadland Imacon 200, with an effective frame rate of 200 X 106 frames per second. Fundamental properties of disparate gas mixtures of sulfur hexafluoride and helium, subjected to shock wave acceleration, are also studied, with implications that kinetic molecular theory can account for discrepancies between theory and experiment.


Shock waves, multi-phase flows, gas mixtures, instabilities, vorticity, particles, single-phase flows, compressible, fluid dynamics, Rankine-Hugoniot, infrared absorption

Degree Name

Mechanical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Peter Vorobieff

Second Committee Member

C. Randall Truman

Third Committee Member

Andrea Mammoli

Fourth Committee Member

Monika Nitsche

Document Type



