About This Journal | Intersections: Critical Issues in Education | University of New Mexico

About This Journal

Sponsored by the University of New Mexico’s Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies, Intersections: Critical Issues in Education is an online, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal. We seek to deepen understanding of how race, class, gender, sexuality, exceptionalities, power, well-being, and other subjectivities play out in educational settings as a means of advancing social justice for all people. Intersections serves as a forum for diverse voices and perspectives reflecting a variety of disciplines, focusing on work that interrogates, disrupts and challenges oppression. We welcome a range of materials, including academic papers, personal perspectives, and other innovative forms of scholarship that may speak to an audience beyond academia.

We seek original creative or scholarly submissions that examine critical issues in education, including but not limited to schooling and society, language diversity, literacy and culture, curriculum and practice, subjectivities/identities, policy and reform, spirituality, health and well-being, multimedia and digital technologies, globalization, health, gender, critical literacy, race, power, and (dis)ability studies.

We welcome submissions in a variety of formats, from empirical articles and position papers to memoirs and reviews of literature; essays; academic commentaries; interviews; book and media reviews. Submissions in other genres are also encouraged, including well-crafted poetry, artistic works, fiction, documentary film or short film, video of an event with scholarly commentary, scholarly conversations (print, audio, performance), and more.

For more information, contact the editor, Sehrish Naudhani, at intersections@unm.edu.

Editorial Address

Department of Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies
College of Education
MSC03 2180
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001