Intersections: Critical Issues in Education | University of New Mexico

Intersections: Critical Issues in Education, sponsored by the University of New Mexico’s Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies, is an online, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal. We seek to deepen understanding of how race, class, gender, sexuality, exceptionalities, power, well-being, and other subjectivities play out in educational settings as a means of advancing social justice for all people. Intersections serves as a forum for diverse voices and perspectives reflecting a variety of disciplines, focusing on work that interrogates, disrupts and challenges oppression.

Banner photo: Mesa Vista Hall (Men’s residence hall); University of New Mexico Bulletin (Volume 75, No. 6), May 1962, p. 75

Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 1 (2024)

Front Matter

Table of Contents


Book Review