Submission Guidelines for Publications

University of New Mexico Digital Repository Publication submission information.


For submitting a publication to the Digital Commons at the University of New Mexico, you'll need to provide several pieces of metadata. Submission to this structure involves filling out the form and, pending administrator approval, the content is posted to the publication. 

If you have any question or concerns, please contact:

Here is a detailed overview of what is generally required:

  1. Title: The full title of your work.
  2. Authors: Names of all authors involved in the work.
  3. Abstract: A summary of your publication, usually around 200-300 words.
  4. Keywords: Terms that describe the main topics of your publication. These help in indexing and searching.
  5. Publication Date: The date when your work was completed or published.
  6. Discipline: The academic discipline(s) relevant to your work.
  7. Document Type: The type of document (e.g., article, thesis, dissertation, report).
  8. Comments: Any additional information or context about the submission.
  9. Creative Commons License: (Use only if you own the copyright)
  10. Rights and Permissions: Information regarding the copyright and permissions for your work.
  11. ORCiD: Enter the ORCiD url in order to actually link to your ORCiD profile.
  12. Peer Reviewed: Checkbox to indicate that your submission was peer-reviewed.
  13. Upload File:  Please attach the PDF file of your submission.
  14. Additional Files: This includes charts, images or data relating to your article that you’d like shared with this submission.
  15. Embargo Period: The length of time you would like your submission to be placed under embargo.