UNM Virtual Human Biospecimen Repository -- Pitfalls and the Possibilities

Philip J. Kroth

This PowerPoint is from the presentation for the University of New Mexico's Biocomputing Conference that was held on April 22, 2005.


Advances in genomics, proteomics, and molecular modeling are providing new ways to derive more valuable data from human Biospecimens at an ever increasing rate. Critical to this new paradigm of discovery is a growing need for sophisticated institutional processes and informatics tools to support these efforts. We are developing a virtual human Biospecimen repository with the long term goal to both inventory and link all human Biospecimens with clinical and genomics data in a manner to optimize their value and use for research, while satisfying all privacy and human subjects protections regulations. Dr. Kroth will give an overview of the work that has already been done and what the plans are for the future of this exciting endeavor at the UNM HSC.