"Celebrating 10 years of the BioMISS: a case study and observations ab" by Philip J. Kroth, Shamsi Daneshvari et al.

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Abstract OBJECTIVE: This poster describes the experience of organizing and hosting the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library & Informatics Centers (UNM HSLIC) Biomedical Informatics Seminar Series (BioMISS). The BioMISS is a CME-accredited, bimonthly program of one-hour invited presentations, with active participant discussion on current topics in biomedical informatics. The goals of the series are to 1) provide a broad overview of salient topics in the field of Biomedical Informatics, 2) provide a forum that fosters interdisciplinary cross-collaboration for research, and 3) provide a forum for Biomedical Informatics fellows, HSC faculty and others to present Biomedical Informatics-related research. METHODS: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected from nine years of seminars about the presenters, their topics, and participants' evaluations was conducted. The goal of the analysis was to identify key factors associated with the success of the series so colleagues contemplating organizing a similar program might benefit. RESULTS: The series occurred approximately 14 times during each academic year. Speakers came from the host institution as well as from multiple external sites such as Sandia National Labs and the State Office of the Medical Investigator. Topics included myriad informatics subjects. Some key factors of success identified are a well-thought out advertising campaign, a regular day and time, and introductions by all attendees at the start of the seminar. CONCLUSIONS: A health sciences library can be the nidus for a vibrant and sustaining seminar series in biomedical informatics that successfully draws in a diverse and interdisciplinary group of presenters and participants.'

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Informatics, BioMISS, Seminar


Poster presented at the MLA/South Central Chapter Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, October 28, 2013

Celebrating 10 years of the BioMISS:  a case study and observations about a successful biomedical informatics seminar series
