HSC Education Days
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Educational innovations are necessary to improve student learning outcomes and motivation. However, the COVID-19 pandemic created barriers in implementing in-person strategies to facilitate students’ understanding and application of course material. To promote educational content delivery in online learning, the College of Nursing faculty have implemented revolutionary teaching methods, including escape rooms, to enhance students’ virtual learning experiences. Escapes rooms allow students to apply clinical judgement skills to escape a virtual room by integrating knowledge gained from course content. In person escape rooms promote team work principles for individuals to gather clues to “escape” their room or environment. The same techniques were converted to a virtual scenario featuring an unfolding case study in Google forms. Within each room, students are given information for related to the course content and must answer questions to crack the code. This presentation will discuss the planning, design, and incorporation of a two virtual escape rooms utilizing individual and collaborative work strategies to promote student learning related to maternal-child health.
Recommended Citation
Patel, Sarah. "Escaping the Boredom of Online Learning: The Implementation of Virtual Escape Rooms." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/87
Poster presentation program - Including round tables by topics: Simulating education and practice settings.
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.