HSC Education Days

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Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic forced many nursing programs to emergently move classroom and clinical instruction to remote learning. Faculty wondered: How can we move our courses on-line? How will we teaching nursing skills and simulation? Will our students be able to progress? How do we assure rigor and quality in our programs? and What will happen with our new graduates? Specific Aims for our project: 1) Identify similar challenges that nurse educators addressed amidst the pandemic 2) Demonstrate the benefit of a university and community college nursing education consortium (or partnership model) 3) Inform nurse educators of innovative outcomes originating from this study Methodology: Themes and outcomes from nursing program director meeting minutes were identified to share with a broader audience of nursing faculty and educators. Over 16 weeks, our team met to review and interpret the meeting minutes. Braun & Clark's (2006) thematic analysis was used as a flexible yet straightforward process to analyze and interpret rich data from nine sets of meeting minutes. Results: Four categories emerged from the minutes: 1) timing and urgency, 2) Collaboration, Preparation, & Teaching, 3) Altruism, 4) What we learned Seventeen themes were further identified including considering the worst, maintaining momentum, unconventional is the new normal, compassion for students, and how clinicals were adjusted. Innovative outcomes were also identified from the meeting minutes including NMNEC website resources, a progression policy addendum, and a rapid response computer-based clinical simulation check list. Conclusion: March 2020 is indelibly etched in the minds of faculty from across all disciplines, including nursing. Our findings highlight the use of grit and determination by nursing program directors to assure support for faculty and successful outcomes for students.


Poster presentation program - Including round tables by topics: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Online Learning.

This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.



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