HSC Education Days
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The purpose of this poster is to describe the Data Dashboard process and reflect on its effectiveness as a guiding tool for improving the complex endeavor that is a curriculum renewal. The Curriculum Committee—a representative group of about 40 medical school faculty, staff and students—overhauled ‘Phase I,’ the first two years of undergraduate medical education (UME) preceding students’ first licensure exam, Step 1. UME altered the structure of the basic science coursework; stretched the Phase by several weeks; added eight intersessions; assigned ‘core faculty’ to help block chairs with standardization; redesigned the unit for assisting struggling students; and changed requirements around pedagogy and assessment. The ultimate goals of these changes are to decrease the number of students repeating a year and those delaying Step 1, and increase Step 1 pass rates. The changes went into effect in 2019-20. The first cohort of students are now in the 2nd year of Phase I. Although we cannot measure the goals until this cohort sits for Step 1, as a formative evaluation technique, PEAR developed a ‘Data Dashboard’ for the Curriculum Committee to consider. PEAR pulled information from a faculty focus group, core faculty and Phase I Block Chair Committee leadership expert opinion, data provided in Block Chair Reports from each course, and student course evaluation outcomes to compile findings related to seven formative questions or ‘domains,’—for example, ‘Is content being covered as prescribed?’ The Curriculum Committee will review the Data Dashboard at two meetings in December. At the first meeting, members will be divided into small groups, each considering one of the seven formative outcomes. In a modified Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats (SWOT) analysis, each group will determine the priority level for the domain. At the second meeting, the Curriculum Committee will recommend fixes to the domains they deem most important.
Recommended Citation
Shane, Nancy. "Using a Data Placemat to Evaluate a Redesigned Curriculum in the UNM Medical School." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/69
Poster presentation program - Including round tables by topics: Academic outcomes from planned and unplanned curricular changes.
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.