HSC Education Days
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This poster will introduce the Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center’s Virtual Reality Lab, a new service brought online by the library in November 2018. HSLIC hopes to promote this new emerging technology and to further the collaboration between HSC departments and the library. This poster will highlight existing use cases at HSLIC as well as use cases in other schools/programs. The library hopes that this presentation will encourage the use of existing virtual reality applications in HSC curricula and serve to open a dialogue regarding possible future projects to develop custom applications. Participants can expect to leave this presentation with a better understanding of virtual reality and the possibilities for its use in Health Sciences education as well as contact information for library personnel to continue the conversation around this emerging technology.
Recommended Citation
Mey, Timothy; Kristin Proctor; Porcia Vaughn; and Amy Weig-Pickering. "Virtual Reality Lab: Getting Real About Educational Technology at Your Library." (2019). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/62
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Day, 2019.