HSC Education Days
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Wound Care is introduced to pre-baccalaureate nursing students in Level 3 of their five-level nursing education. This has been a 2-hour lecture, followed by 2 hours of clinical focusing on dressings and practicing wound care on a manikin. The BSN students along with the Wound Care teams at UNMH and the VA expressed a desire to provide more education for interested students. This course is a work in progress; taught twice in 2019 in a 7-week intensive format. RN-BSN students and Level 3 and above pre-baccalaureate nursing students have enthusiastically signed up for the courses. The final project requires them to complete a poster, a 2 -page handout and an oral 3 minute presentation in groups of three. The Wound Care topics are preselected by the faculty such as: Pig Skin Grafts; Kennedy Ulcers; Maggot Therapy, etc. Examples of the student work and the class schedule will be shared in this poster.
Recommended Citation
Serrino, Debra. "Developing a 3-Credit Intensive Online Wound Care Elective." (2019). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/56
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Day, 2019.