HSC Education Days
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Background: Learning Communities (LC) are an established mechanism for student advisement and support in medical schools in the United States. A recent survey* of LC programs in 27 US medical schools identified intentionally connecting students across class years as a feature of many LCs. The UNM School of Medicine LC program, launched in 2015, has seen the benefits of providing vertical mentoring and has increasingly scheduled activities where students interact with learners from other classes at key points throughout the curriculum. However, as the challenges students face change between didactic and clinical learning, it is important to understand the best practices for creating these inter-cohort relationships.
Objective: In this study, we aim to evaluate the current practices within vertical student mentoring at one institution and explore the most beneficial way to facilitate student interactions.
Methods: Semi-annual student survey data was reviewed to evaluate the UNM SOM LC program. Surveys were in Likert format and included a question on the value of vertical mentoring in the LC program. Write-in comments were assessed to evaluate current practices and areas of growth to maximize the utility of these relationships for learners in different stages in the curriculum.
Results: Integration of vertical mentorship was consistently reported as beneficial. Data from all surveys reflected the advantage of cross-class support. Written commentary emphasized the importance of this area within the LC programming, while also suggesting areas for improvement.
Conclusions: Within the UNM LC, there is a strong advantage to continuous groups under a single mentor that creates an organized framework for students to provide vertical peer-to-peer mentorship across the curriculum.
*Shochet R, Fleming A, Wagner J, Colbert-Getz J, Bhutiani M, Moynahan K, Keeley M. Defining Learning Communities in Undergraduate Medical Education: A National Study. J Med Educ Curric Dev. 2019
Recommended Citation
Herring, Hannah; Kristin Strosnider; Abigale Aldrich; Elena Florez-Aguirre; and Ann Morrison. "Vertical Mentoring in Established Multi-year Communities: leveraging student experience." (2024). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/190
Presented at HSC Education Day 2024