HSC Education Days

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Social determinants of health (SD0H) account for 50-80% of healthcare outcomes. Despite this, many residents receive minimal training in how to address the negative social determinants of health in their patient populations. We developed a 1.5-hour workshop integrated into GME orientation for all the 167 incoming interns of our institution. We used case-based learning as a proven effective method for both improving knowledge gain and skills acquisition outcomes. Using the input of multiple subject matter experts, we developed four cases from different regions of the state that learners worked through in facilitated small groups supported by intermittent check-ins with the large group for shared learning. The large group sessions included evidence-based theoretical education to support the practical parts of the workshop. Each small group consisted of 8-9 residents selected in alphabetical order to allow people from different programs and specialties to work together. Learners were given the cases in advance to read the material and research some questions. A list of community-based resources was also provided. The groups were supported by 1-2 interprofessional faculty facilitators with clinical experiences related to the cases they facilitated. Faculty were given a facilitator’s guide with prompts, discussion points, and resources. Faculty were also offered a 1-hour facilitators’ orientation to review the cases and discuss the organization of the session. The workshop generated robust participation with 26 faculty facilitators from multiple specialties participating in the inaugural session and 167 incoming interns from all residency programs in the institution. Evaluation of the session by learners noted an increase in self-reported ability to both recognize SDoH impacting care for their patients and to incorporate innovative solutions in the management plan to mitigate such challenges. Feedback from facilitators of the session was also largely positive with session design focused on discussion and interprofessional small groups noted as strengths of the session. Both facilitators and learners identified longer session duration as an opportunity for improvement in future iterations.



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