"Trust Within the School of Medicine" by Hannah Howse, Promise Bood et al.

HSC Education Days

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Research regarding medical students’ trust and willingness to follow presented curriculum is currently lacking. The student-school trust dynamic may offer insight into the academic performance, study methods, and clinical confidence of future physicians. This may provide invaluable information to medical educators concerning students’ perception of best practices when creating and presenting material to optimize reception and engagement.

The initial phase included a survey to gauge student trust in the curriculum and institution related to board exam preparation. Analysis of responses prompted an exploration into the following themes: trust in institutional education vs. third-party resources, resolving discrepancies between these resources, and approaches to teaching that lend to students’ confidence in curriculum. Research is on-going and consists of focus groups to discuss these themes and surveys presented to incoming students to assess for changes as board exams shift from scored to pass/fail format.

We have had responses from 101 medical students at different points in the curriculum. Themes that evoked trust include faculty addressing high-yield concepts, support and consistency, and alignment of presented material to First Aid. Areas that concern students are inconsistencies between/within basic science blocks, errors in material and quiz questions, and perceived faculty resistance to feedback.

It is surmised that students perceived there to be a lack of harmony between the curriculum and future board exams based on available data. Our current recommendations include familiarizing faculty with, and clearly outlining board relevant concepts, striving for consistency among block exams, provided materials, course structure, including balance between lecture and case-based learning.

Students respond positively to faculty transparency during times of perceived inconsistencies in quiz questions and feel respected when feedback receives prompt, direct response.



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