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BACKGROUND: Geriatrics training is essential for future primary care providers. The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) model improves access to specialty care via case-based videoconferencing, but Project ECHO has not previously been designed to target residents.
OBJECTIVE: We designed Project ECHO-Geriatrics to deliver geriatrics education to primary care trainees using the ECHO model and evaluated self-rated geriatrics competency of trainees from the University of Washington Family Medicine Residency Network programs who participated between January 2016 and March 2017.
METHODS: We assessed outcomes of Project ECHO-Geriatrics through anonymous surveys. Participants rated didactics, case discussions, and geriatrics-specific knowledge before and after sessions on a 5-point scale (1, low, to 5, high). Participants were asked whether they planned to do anything differently in their practice and, if yes, to describe this change.
RESULTS: Fifteen sessions were held with 204 unique participants from 12 sites, with an average of 28 (range, 13-41) participants per session. From the 9 of 29 (31%) Family Medicine Residency Network programs that enrolled, 63% percent (116 of 184) of eligible residents attended. Sessions were highly rated (89% of responses were 4 or 5). Self-reported geriatrics-specific knowledge increased significantly (before 3.3 [SD = 0.89] versus after 4.0 [SD = 0.60],
CONCLUSIONS: Project ECHO-Geriatrics is an innovative, feasible way to train the future primary care workforce in geriatrics and grow the capacity to provide high-quality care to older adults.
Recommended Citation
Bennett KA, Ong T, Verrall AM, Vitiello MV, Marcum ZA, Phelan EA. Project ECHO-Geriatrics: Training Future Primary Care Providers to Meet the Needs of Older Adults. J Grad Med Educ. 2018 Jun;10(3):311-315. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-17-01022.1. PMID: 29946389; PMCID: PMC6008038.