Project ECHO Bibliography | Project ECHO | University of New Mexico
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Submissions from 2024


Experiences of Allied Health Clinicians Accessing a Pilot Project ECHO® Program to Support Learning in Pediatric Feeding, Jeanne Marshall, Perrin Moss, Madeline Raatz, Elizabeth C Ward, Nadine Frederiksen, Claire Reilly, Corrine Dickinson, Sally Clarke, and Kelly Beak


Growing older with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Implementing and evaluating a project ECHO for dementia education, Phillip G Clark, Edward F Ansello, Faith Helm, and Ray Tanzer


Growth and impact of Project ECHO for workforce development in age-friendly care, Catherine Phillips Carrico, Christine McKibbin, Leland Waters, Katherine Thompson, Jeffrey Graupner, Samantha Cotton, Anna Faul, Phillip G Clark, Jacqueline Telonidis, Faith Helm, Thomas Caprio, and Katherine A Bennett


Healthcare social network research and the ECHO model™: Exploring a community of practice to support cultural brokers and transfer cultural knowledge, Phil Nixon, Chiara Broccatelli, Perrin Moss, Sarah Baggio, Angela Young, and Dana Newcomb


Is Project ECHO the transformational silver lining for interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration?, Phillip G Clark


Project ECHO: a global cross-sectional examination of implementation success, Perrin Moss, Nicole Hartley, and Trevor Russell

Submissions from 2023


A Cohort-Based Nutrition ECHO for Community Health Workers, Karmella T. Thomas, Sarah A. Friedman, Madalyn J. Larson, Troy C. Jorgensen, Sneha Sharma, Amie Smith, and Mordechai S. Lavi


Examining the Outcomes of Project ECHO® as an Interprofessional Community of Practice for Pediatric Feeding Clinicians, Madeline Raatz, Elizabeth C Ward, Perrin Moss, Claire Reilly, Nadine Frederiksen, Corrine Dickinson, Sally Clarke, Kelly Beak, and Jeanne Marshall


Fostering Social Support and Professional Learning for Special Educators: Building a Community of Practice, Shanna E. Hirsch, Hannah Morris Mathews, Catherine Griffith, Alex Carlson, and Alexix Walker


Supporting Parents of Children With Disabilities Using an Online, Telementoring Service Delivery Model, Katherine J. Bateman, Ilene S. Schwartz, and Ryan P. Grimm


Turning Strategy into Action – Using the ECHO Model to Empower the Australian Workforce to Integrate Care, Perrin Moss, Phil Nixon, Sarah Baggio, and Dana Newcomb


Unpacking the ECHO Telementoring Model®: A Tool to Strategically Connect and Support Special Educators, Shanna E. Hirsch and Logan W. Qualls

Submissions from 2022


A comparison of costs of two forms of educator professional development in Wyoming: Traditional conference vs. project ECHO, Sarah Zlatkovic, Haley Sturges, Ethan Dahl, Canyon Hardesty, Sandra Root-Elledge, and Eric J. Moody


Addressing Pediatric Developmental and Mental Health in Primary Care Using Tele-Education, Joyce N. Harrison, Janna Steinberg, Anna Maria Louise Wilms Floet, Nancy Grace, Deepa Menon, Rebecca German, Belinda Chen, Gayane Yenokyan, and Mary L. O'Connor Leppert


A Pilot Educational Intervention to Support Primary Care Provider Performance of Skin Cancer Examinations, Kelly C. Nelson, Elizabeth V. Seiverling, Nadeeb Gonna, Elizabeth Berry, Elizabeth Stoos, Chloe N. Dorsey, Sarah Sepulveda, Gerardo Vasquez, Hung Q. Doan, and Lauren E. Haydu


Cancer prevention, screening, and survivorship ECHO: A pilot experience with an educational telehealth program, Tyler S. Severance, Zheng Milgrom, Anyé Carson, Caitlin M. Scanlon, Rishika Chauhan O'Brien, Brent Anderson, Mary Robertson, Andrea Janota, Scott L. Coven, Eneida A. Mendonca, Joan Duwve, and Terry A. Vik


Cervical Cancer: Formulation and Implementation of Govt of India Guidelines for Screening and Management, Ravi Mehrotra and Kavita Yadav


Educating health professionals about COVID-19 with ECHO telementoring., Joanna G Katzman, Karla Thornton, Nestor Sosa, Laura Tomedi, Leslie Hayes, Marla Sievers, Karissa Culbreath, Kent Norsworthy, Chamron Martin, Alaina Martinez, Jinyang Liu, and Sanjeev Arora


Extension for community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) chronic pain & opioid stewardship in northwestern Ontario: A thematic analysis of patient cases, Patricia A. Poulin, Yaadwinder Shergill, Adrian Grebowicz, Ines Almeida, Rosemee Cantave, Bryan MacLeod, Donna Garstin, Sarah F. Fitzgerald, Joshua A. Rash, and Tim Larocque


Hands-On Training Courses for Cervical Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Procedures in Low-and Middle-Income Countries, Natacha Phoolcharoen, Melissa Lopez Varon, Ellen Baker, Sonia Parra, Jennifer Carns, Katelin Cherry, Chelsey Smith, Theresa Sonka, Kathleen Doughtie, Cesaltina Lorenzoni, Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Kathleen Schmeler, and Mila Pontremoli Salcedo


Integration Intrapreneurship: Implementing Innovation in a Public Healthcare Organization, Perrin Moss, Nicole Hartley, and Trevor Russell


Measuring the Success of a Project ECHO Implementation: Results from an International e‑Delphi Study, Perrin Moss, Nicole Hartley, Dana Newcomb, and Trevor Russell


Mental health Project ECHO Autism: Increasing access to community mental health services for autistic individuals., Nicole Ginn Dreiling, Michal L Cook, Elena Lamarche, and Laura Grofer Klinger


Return to Learn ECHO: Telementoring for School Personnel to Help Children Return to School and Learning After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Karen McAvoy, Mark Halstead, Linda Radecki, Amy Shah, Anjie Emanuel, Stephanie Domain, Jill Daugherty, and Dana Waltzman


Supporting GPs in the Management of Children and Young People with ADHD Through Project ECHO, Dana Newcomb, Phil Nixon, Perrin Moss, and Vishal Kapoor


The Development and Implementation of a COVID-19 Project ECHO: A Program for Community Health Workers Serving Populations from Rural and Medically Underserved Areas in South Texas, Pamela Recto, Janna Lesser, Jose Zapata, Andrea Moreno-Vasquez, Eduardo Gandara, Annette Zavala, and Martha Castilla


The power of connections: AAP COVID-19 ECHO accelerates responses during a public health emergency, Henry H. Bernstein, Trisha Calabrese, Peter Corcoran, Laurence E. Flint, Flora M. Munoz, J F. Bale Jr, and S Limjuco

Submissions from 2021


A Just-in-Time Implementation of an Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program for Support of Primary Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kyle Leggott, Leah Willis, Joseph Saseen, Alexis Burakoff, Douglas Fish, Linda Oberst-Walsh, Kurt Cook, and John "Fred" Thomas


Amplifying Expertise in Rural West Virginia through Project ECHO: Impactful Partnerships and Community-Engagement, Jay D. Mason, Geri Dino, Jennifer Boyd, Amber Crist, Stacey L. Whanger, Kayetlyn Edinger, and Sally Hodder


A multimodal mentorship intervention to improve surgical quality in Tanzania’s Lake Zone: a convergent, mixed methods assessment, Shehnaz Alidina, Leopold Tibyehabwa, Sakshie Sanjay Alreja, David Barash, Danta Bien-Aime, Monica Cainer, Kevin Charles, Edwin Ernest, Joachim Eyembe, Laura Fitzgerald, Geofrey C. Giiti, Augustino Hellar, Yahay Hussein, Furaha Kahindo, Benard Kenemo, Albert Kihunrwa, Steve Kisakye, Innocent Kissima, John G. Meara, Cheri Reynolds, Steven J. Staffa, Meaghan Sydlowski, John Varallo, Noor Zanial, Ntuli A. Kapologwe, and Caroline Damian Mayengo


A Multipronged Digital Response to Increased Demand for Telehealth Support and Training During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Shawna Wright, Ryan Spaulding, and Whitney Henley


A Population-Based Intervention to Improve Care Cascades of Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Infection, John Scott, Meaghan Fagalde, Atar Baer, Sara Glick, Elizabeth Barash, Hilary Armstrong, Kris V. Knowdley, Matthew R. Golden, Alexander J. Millman, Noele P. Nelson, Lauren Canary, Matthew Messerschmidt, Pallavi Patel, Michael Ninburg, and Jeff Duchin


Applying the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment (EPIS) Framework to Safe Surgery 2020 Implementation in Tanzania's Lake Zone, Shehnaz Alidina, Noor Zanial, John G. Meara, David Barash, Ladislaus Buberwa, Bwire Chirangi, Augustino Hellar, Steve Kisakye, Adelina Mazhiqi, William Mnyonyela, Meck P. Nyanda, Cheri Reynolds, Florian Tinuga, Ntuli A. Kapologwe, and Sara Maongezi


A Protocol for a Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Framework With a Compendium of Tools to Assess Quality of Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Implementation Using Mixed Methods, Developmental Evaluation Design, Smita Ghosh, Brenna M. Roth, Irene Massawe, Emmanuel Mtete, Jacob Lusekelo, Eve Pinsker, Steven Seweryn, Patrick K. Moonan, and Bruce B. Struminger


A Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination., Kristin Oliver, Kera Beskin, Laura Noonan, Amy Shah, Rebecca Perkins, and Sharon Humiston


A Shortage of Neurologists – We Must Act Now: A Report From the AAN 2019 Transforming Leaders Program, Jennifer J. Majersik, Aiesha Ahmed, I-Hweii A. Chen, Holly Shill, Gregory P. Hanes, Victoria S. Pelak, Jennifer L. Hopp, Antonio Omuro, Benzi Kluger, and Thabele Leslie-Mazwi


Association of the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes Project With Use of Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment Among US Adults With Hepatitis C, Linh Tran, Roger Feldman, Thomas Riley III, and Jeah Jung


A Telementoring Program and Hepatitis C Virus Care in Rural Patients, Ping Du, Xin Yin, Lan Kong, and Jeah Jung


Autism Edu-ECHO -Supporting educators, students and families, Vicky Booth, Perrin Moss, Honey Heussler, and Dana Newcomb


A virtual course in perinatal mental health for healthcare professionals., Lakshmi Shiva, Geetha Desai, Prabhat Chand, Sundarnag Ganjekar, Kimneihat Vaiphei, Veena A. Satyanarayana, M Thomas Kishore, Harish Thippeswamy, and Prabha S. Chandra


Barriers and perceived usefulness of an ECHO intervention for office-based buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder in North Carolina: A qualitative study, Christopher M. Shea, Alex K. Gertner, and Sherri L. Green


Building a Virtual Global Knowledge Network During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: The Infection Prevention and Control Global Webinar Series, Kathryn Wilson, Cori Dennison, Bruce Struminger, Amy Armistad, Hanako Osuka, Eva Montoya, Maria Clara Padoveze, Sanjeev Arora, Benjamin Park, and Fernanda C. Lessa


Building community and resilience in Massachusetts nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Amy W. Baughman, Marina Renton, Nizar K. Wehbi, Eric J. Sheehan, Tara M. Gregorio, Mark Yurkofsky, Sharon Levine, Vicki Jackson, Chuck T. Pu, and Lewis A. Lipsitz


Building local capacity for cervical cancer prevention in low resource settings: Changing strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic., Mila P Salcedo, Melissa L Varon, Natacha Phoolcharoen, Nafissa Osman, Ernestina David, Ricardina Rangeiro, Dercia Changule, Viviane Andrade, Andrea Neves, Kathleen M Doughtie, Jennifer Carns, Cesaltina Lorenzoni, Ellen Baker, and Kathleen M Schmeler


Building long-term care staff capacity during COVID-19 through just-in-time learning: evaluation of a modified ECHO model, Navena R. Lingum, Lisa Guttman Sokoloff, Raquel M. Meyer, Shaen Gingrich, Devin J. Sodums, Anna Theresa Santiago, Sid Feldman, Stacey Guy, Andrea Moser, Salma Shaikh, Cindy J. Grief, and David K. Conn


Building mental health capacity: exploring the role of adaptive expertise in the ECHO virtual learning model, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Thiyake Rajaratnam, Carrol Zhao, Eva Serhal, Allison Crawford, and Maria Mylopoulos


Capacity Building in Mental Health for Bihar: Overview of the 1-Year Blended Training Program for Nonspecialist Medical Officers, Bhavya K. Bairy, Aurobind Ganesh, Sandeepa Kaur, Prabhat Kumar Chand, Channaveerachari Naveen Kumar, Narayana Manjunatha, Suresh Bada Math, Narebdra Kumar Sinha, and Sanjeev Arora


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Extension for Community Health Care Options [CAMHS ECHO], L Rooney, A Harold, F McNicholas, B Gavin, W Cullen, and E Quigley


Climate Change and Human Health ECHO: global telementoring for health professionals, Joanna G. Katzman, David Herring, Paul Schramm, Laura Tomedi, John-Michael Maury, Summers Kalishman, Briana Kazhe-Dominguez, Jinang Liu, Chamron Martin, and Sanjeev Arora


COVID-19 and opioid use disorder Expanding treatment access in rural settings, Mercy Ngosa Mumba, Jessica Langer-Smith, George T. Mugoya, Whitnee Brown, and Lori Davis


COVID-19 and Project ECHO Driving Innovations in Rural Pain Care and Education, Seddon R. Savage, Kimberly Youngren, John Kravic, Collen Olson, Dana Pilchik, Kathleen Brojlio, and Charles Brackett


Democratizing type 1 diabetes specialty care in the primary care setting to reduce health disparities: project extension for community healthcare outcomes (ECHO) T1D, Ashby F. Walker, Nicolas Cuttriss, Michael J. Haller, Korey K. Hood, Matthew J. Gurka, Stephanie L. Filipp, Claudia Anez-Zabala, Katarina Yabut, Xanadu Roque, Jessie J. Wong, Linda Baer, Lauren Figg, Angelina Bernier, Sarah Westen, Eugene Lewit, Eleni Sheehan, Marina Basina, Rayhan Lal, Jennifer Maizel, and David M. Maahs


Dermoscopic lotus of learning: implementation and dissemination of a multimodal dermoscopy curriculum for primary care, Elizabeth Seiverling, Hadjh Ahrns, Kathryn Stevens, Lindsay Ayers, Tyler Nussinow, Gregory Dorr, and Peggy Cyr


Developing epilepsy training capacity for primary care providers using the project ECHO telementoring model, Susan Blocksom McDonald, Michael Privitera, Jody Kakacek, Steve Owens, Patty Shafer, and Rosemarie Kobau


Disparities in Sleep Health and Potential Intervention Models: A Focused Review., Martha E. Billings, Robyn T. Cohen, Carol M. Baldwin, Dayna A. Johnson, Brian N. Palen, Sairam Parthasarathy, Sanjay R. Patel, Maureen Russell, Ignacio E. Tapia, Ariel A. Williamson, and Sunil Sharma


Disseminating Knowledge in Intestinal Failure: Initial Report of the Learn Intestinal Failure Tele-ECHO (LIFT-ECHO) Project, Kishore Iyer, Marjorie Nisenholtz, David Gutierrez, Marion Winkler, Kelly Tappenden, Douglas Seidner, Donald F. Kirby, Michelle Spangeburg, Ronald Potts, Anthony Bonagura, Joan Bishop, Lisa Metzger, and Sanjeev Arora


Distance Delivery of Function-Based Skill Training for Providers in Rural Settings, Abby Hodges, Jaclyn D. Joseph, and Phillip S. Strain


Distance learning: the “Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes: ECHO” project: a case study, Jularat Panyayen, Teerapat Nantsupawat, Wittawat Tangwijitsakul, and Nopakoon Nantsupawat


ECHO: A Model for Professional Development in Nursing Through Learning Networks, Mary E. Burman, Nancy McGee, J'Laube Proctor, Ann Marie Hart, Eric J. Moody, and Canyon Hardesty


ECHO Care of the Elderly: Innovative Learning to Build Capacity in Long-term Care, Navena R. Lingum, Lisa Guttman Sokoloff, James Chau, Sid Feldman, Shaen Gingrich, Cindy J. Grief, Raquel M. Meyer, Andreaa L. Moser, Salma Shaikh, Anna Theresa Santiago, Rosalind Sham, Devin J. Sodums, and David K. Conn


ECHO Care of the Elderly: Innovative Learning to Build Capacity in Long-term Care, Navina R. Lingum, Lisa Guttman Sokoloff, James Chau, Sid Feldman, Shaen Gingrich, Cindy J. Grief, Raquel M. Meyer, Andrea L. Moser, Salma Shaikh, Anna Theresa Santiago, Rosalind Sham, Devin J. Sodums, and David K. Conn


ECHO-CT: An Interdisciplinary Videoconference Model for Identifying Potential Postdischarge Transition-of-Care Events., Mariana R Gonzalez, Lauren Junge-Maughan, Lewis A Lipsitz, and Amber Moore


ECHO+: Improving access to hepatitis C care within Indigenous communities in Alberta, Canada, Kate PR Dunn, Kienan P. Williams, Cari E. Egan, Melissa L. Potestio, and Samuel S. Lee


ECHO model for type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Latin America: An Ecuadorian experience during COVID-19, N Cuttriss, D Naranjo, M Goldring, K Yabut, L Figg, L Baer, P Mantilla, and N Flores


Effectiveness and experiences of the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Model in developing competencies among healthcare professionals: a mixed methods systematic review protocol, Gabrielle Chicoine, José Côté, Jacinthe Pepin, Guillaume Fontaine, Marc‑André Maheu‑Cadotte, Quan Nha Hong, Geneviève Rouleau, Daniela Ziegler, and Didier Jutras‑Aswad


Effects of ECHO MTSS Teleconsultation Model on Self-Efficacy of Data-Based Individualization of Academic Interventions, Katya Sussman, Matthew K. Burns, and Erica S. Lembke


Efficacy of pediatric dermatology Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) sessions on augmenting primary care providers' confidence and abilities, Haorui Sun, Brian Green, Andrea Zaenglein, Melissa Butt, Joslyn S. Kirby, and Alexandra Flamm


Encompassing Access to Improved Liver Care–ILBS ECHO, Revolution in Specialty Care, Sabin Syed, Akanksha Bansal, Dinesh Taneja, Pranav Keshan, Ashish Kumar, and Arpit Kumar


Ensuring Optimal Community HIV Testing Services in Nigeria Using an Enhanced Community Case-Finding Package (ECCP), October 2019-March 2020: Acceleration to HIV Epidemic Control., Ibrahim Jahun, Emilio Dirlikov, Solomon Odafe, Aminu Yakubu, Andrew T Boyd, Pamela Bachanas, Charles Nzelu, Gambo Aliyu, Tedd Ellerbrock, and Mahesh Swaminathan


Evaluation of the knowledge enhancement and impact of telementoring on liver care, using ECHO platform on nursing professionals in India, Sabin Syed, Aayushi Rastogi, Pranav Keshan, Vinay Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Arpit Kumar, and Akanksha Bansal


Expanding best practices for implementing evidence-based cancer control strategies in Africa: The 2019–2020 Africa Cancer Research and Control ECHO Program, Annet Nakaganda, Mishka K. Cira, Kunuz Abdella, Francois Uwinkindi, Christine Mugo-Sitati, and Kalina Duncan


Exploring health professionals’ experiences with a virtual learning and mentoring program (Project ECHO) on pediatric palliative care in South Asia, Megan Doherty, Shokoufeh Modanloo, Emily Evans, Jennifer Rowe, Dennis Newhook, Gayatri Palat, and Douglas Archibald


Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) telementoring in the military: where we are now, opportunities and challenges, Joanna Katzman, Laura Tomedi, Robin Swift, Eric Castillo, Connie Morrow, Laurie Lutz, Kevin T. Galloway, Kimberly McCoy-Stafford, Zachary Klein, Greg Turner, Derrick J. Beckman, Jennifer Terrell, Shannon Forde, Chamron Martin, and Sharon Morgan


Facilitator Reflections on Shared Expertise and Adaptive Leadership in ECHO Autism: Center Engagement, Alexandra H. Vinson, Dorothea Iannuzzi, Amanda Bennett, Eric M. Buttler, Alicia B. Curran, Amy Hess, Susan L. Hyman, Amy Kelly, Donna S. Murray, Lisa Nowinski, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, and Kristin Sohl


Feasibility, acceptability, and sustainability of Project ECHO to expand capacity for pediatricians in Vietnam, Le Hong Nhung, Vu Duy Kien, Nguyen Phuong Lan, Pham Viet Coung, Pham Quoc Thanh, and Tra Minh Dien


Feasibility and Acceptability of a Neonatal Project ECHO (NeoECHO) as a Dissemination and Implementation Strategy to Prevent Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Sheila M. Gephart, Katherine Newnam, Alyssa Weiss, Christina Wyles, and Kimberly Shea


First Responder Resiliency ECHO: Innovative telementoring during the COVID-19 pandemic, Joanna G. Katzman, Laura E. Tomedi, George Everly, Margaret Greenwood-Ericksen, Elizabeth Romero, Nils Rosenbaum, Jessica Medrano, Paige Menking, Gaelyn RD Archer, Chamron Martin, Karina A. Dow, Shannon McCoy-Hayes, and Jeffrey W. Katzman


Health care ethics ECHO: Improving ethical response self-efficacy through sense-making, Lea Brandt, Laurel Despins, Bonnie Wakefield, David Fleming, Chelsea Deroche, and Lori Popejoy


Hepatitis C elimination among people incarcerated in prisons: challenges and recommendations for action within a health systems framework, Matthew J. Akiyama, Nadine Kronfli, Joaquin Cabezas, Yumi Sheehan, Prem H. Thurairajah, Richard Lines, Andrew R. Lloyd, and International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users–Prisons Network


Hope Springs Eternal: Can Project ECHO Transform Nursing Homes?, Alice Bonner


Impact Evaluation of Technology Driven Mental Health Capacity Building in Bihar, India, Barikar C. Malathesh, Bhavya K. Bairy, Channaveerachari Naveen Kumar, P Lakshmi Nirisha, Gopi V. Gajera, Praveen Pandey, Narayana Manjunatha, Aurobind Ganesh, Kanika Mehrotra, Binukumar Bhaskarapillai, Durai Murukan Gunasekaran, Sanjeev Arora, Narendra Kumar Sinha, and Suresh Bada Math


Impact of a videoconferencing educational programme for the management of concurrent disorders on nurses' competency development and clinical practice: protocol for a convergent mixed methods study., Gabrielle Chicoine, José Côté, Jacinthe Pepin, Pierre Pluye, Louise Boyer, Guillaume Fontaine, Geneviève Rouleau, Simon Dubreucq, and Didier Jutras-Aswad


Implementation of the first Project ECHO Superhub in Australia, Perrin Moss, Phil Nixon, and Dana Newcomb


Improving Preventive Care for Children With Sickle Cell Anemia: A Quality Improvement Initiative., Michael D. Cabana, Anne Marsh, Marsha J. Treadwell, Peggy Stemmler, Michael Rowland, M A. Bender, Neha Bhasin, Jong H. Chung, Kathryn Hassell, N F Nik Abdul Rashid, Trisha E. Wong, and Naomi S. Bardach


Improving quality of intrapartum care In Zambia by expanding on Helping Babies Survive (HBS) and Helping Mothers Survive (HMS) training using Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), Sarah N. Ngoma, Casey Lowman, Michael K. Visick, and Shannon Limjuco


Improving surgical quality in low-income and middle-income countries: why do some health facilities perform better than others?, Shehnaz Alidina, Pritha Chatterjee, Noor Zanial, Sakshie Sanjay Alreja, Rebecca Balira, David Barash, Edwin Ernest, Geofrey Charles Giiti, Erastus Maina, Adelina Mazhiqi, Rahma Mushi, Cheri Reynolds, Meaghan Sydlowski, Florian Tinuga, Sarah Maongezi, John G. Meara, Ntuli A. Kapologwe, Erin Barringer, Monica Cainer, Isabelle Citron, Amanda DiMeo, Laura Fitzgerald, Hiba Ghandour, Magdalena Gruendl, Augustino Hellar, Desmond T. Jumbam, Adam Katoto, Lauren Kelly, Steve Kisakye, Salome Kuchukhidze, Tenzing N. Lama, Gopal Menon, Stella Mshana, Chase Reynolds, Hannington Segirinya, Dorcas Simba, Victoria Smith, Steven J. Staffa, Christopher Strader, Leopold Tibyehabwa, Alena Troxel, John Varallo, Taylor Wurdeman, and David Zurakowski


Incidence rate and time to serious adverse events among rifampicin resistant tuberculosis patients in Georgia treated with new and repurposed anti-tuberculosis drugs, 2016-2018, Marina Buziashvili, Hayk Davtyan, Yuliia Sereda, Olga Denisiuk, Ogtay Gozalov, Nino Lomtadze, and Arax Hovhannesyan


In-Hospital Postoperative Mortality Rates for Selected Procedures in Tanzania's Lake Zone., Taylor Wurdeman, Christopher Strader, Shehnaz Alidina, David Barash, Isabelle Citron, Ntuli Kapologwe, Erastus Maina, Fabian Massaga, Adelina Mazhiqi, John G. Meara, Gopal Menon, Cheri Reynolds, Meaghan Sydlowski, John Varallo, Sarah Maongezi, and Mpoki Ulisubisya


Initial description and evaluation of EDS ECHO: An international effort to improve care for people with the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and hypermobility spectrum disorders, Jane R. Schubart, Rebecca Bascom, Clair A. Francomano, Lara Bloom, and Alan J. Hakim


Innovations in Diabetes Care for a Better “New Normal” Beyond COVID-19, Shivani Agarwal, Michelle L. Griffith, Elizabeth J. Murphy, Carol Greenlee, Jeffrey Boord, and Robert A. Gabbay


Innovative COVID-19 Programs to Rapidly Serve New Mexico: Project ECHO, Joanna G. Katzman, Laura E. Tomedi, Karla Thornton, Paige Menking, Michael Stanton, Nestor Sosa, Michelle Harkins, Neil Katzman, Jinyang Liu, Gaelyn RD Archer, and Sanjeev Arora


Key Elements on the Pathway to HCV Elimination: Lessons Learned From the AASLD HCV Special Interest Group 2020, Jordan J. Feld and John W. Ward


Learn Intestinal Failure Tele-ECHO Project: An innovative online telementoring and case-based learning clinic, Marion F. Winkler, Kelly A. Tappenden, Michelle Spangenburg, and Kishore Iyer


Maintaining ART services during COVID-19 border closures: lessons learned in Namibia, Linea Hans, Steven Y. Hong, Laimi S N Ashipala, Leonard Bikinesi, Ndapewa Hamunime, Jacques W N Kamangu, Eliphas J. Hatutale, and Eric J. Dziuban


Managing laboratory waste from HIV-related molecular testing: Lessons learned from African countries, Collins Otieno Odhiambo, Anafi Mataka, Getachew Kassa, and Pascale Ondoa


Memory care approaches to better leverage capacity of dementia specialists: a narrative synthesis, Jenny Lam and Soeren Mattke


Outcomes of real-world integrated HCV microelimination for people who inject drugs: an expansion of the punjab model, Radha K. Dhiman, Gagandeep S. Grover, Madhumita Prekumar, Akash Roy, Sunil Taneja, Ajay Duseja, Sanjeev Arora, and MMPHCRF Investigators


Palliative care education in nursing homes: a qualitative evaluation of telementoring, Jane Manson, Clare Gardomer, Paul Taylor, Lynne Ghasemi, Emma Westerdale-Shaw, Lucy Sutton, and Helen Cawley


Peace engineering in practice: A case study at the University of New Mexico, Ramiro Jordan, Kamil Agi, Sanjeev Arora, Christos G. Christodoulou, Edl Schamiloglu, Donna Koechner, Andrew Schuler, Kerry Howe, Ali Bidram, Manel Martinez-Ramon, and Jane Lehr


Pediatric Emergency Medicine ECHO (Extension for Community Health Care Outcomes): cultivating connections to improve pediatric emergency care, Michael P. Goldman, Marc A. Auerbach, Angelica M. Garcia, Isabel T. Gross, and Gunjan K. Tiyyagura