Tele-rounds and Case-Based Training: Project ECHO Telementoring Model Applied to Complex Diabetes Care

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  • Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a low-dose, high-frequency workforce development model of education and guided practice that leverages videoconferencing technology to connect specialists with learners across geographic distances.

  • Diabetes is a complex chronic medical condition and insulin management further adds to the complexity of medical management in the primary care setting.

  • Workforce shortages of endocrinologists and barriers to receiving specialty care for patients with diabetes mandates innovative health care delivery solutions to amplify and democratize specialty knowledge.

  • T1D incidence is increasing with the largest burden of disease in the adult population; efforts to address improvement in health care delivery are required across the lifespan.

  • The ECHO model is a telementoring model that can be applied to T1D to address disparities and urgent needs of complex patients throughout the lifespan.
