History ETDs
Publication Date
Pan Americanism, or mutual understanding and co-operation between the various American countries, can be traced to the sympathy of the United States for the Spanish colonies in their struggles for independence. Since then Pan Americanism has been advanced as an international policy set up by statesman from both North and South America. With the exception of the Monroe Doctrine, none of these attempts was of lasting or great import until the establishment of the Pan American Union in 1889, at the First International American Conference, in Washington. The Second International Conference, in Mexico City in 1901-1902, was relatively ineffective. Joaquim Nabuco presided at the Third Conference, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1906. He had been active in having the 1906 session held in Rio de Janeiro, and in arranging its agenda. This meeting can be regarded as marking a change on the part of the Americas from polite agreement with the theory of Pan Americanism, to a willingness to apply the ideas inherent in the theory. The Rio de Janeiro Conference was a successful one both in what it accomplished and in the ground work that it laid for future successes, and some of this change was probably due to Joaquim Nabuco. Between 1906 and 1910 Nabuco continued to play a most important role in improving inter-American relations.
Level of Degree
Degree Name
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dorothy Woodward
Second Committee Member
Josiah Cox Russell
Third Committee Member
Albert Richard Lopes
Fourth Committee Member
Fifth Committee Member
Miguel Jorrín
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Kenyon, Robert Gordon B.. "The Pan Americanism of Joaquim Nabuco." (1952). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hist_etds/235