Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 12-14-2020


Inclusive education constitutes a point of inclination in policy development and care practices to student populations and social diversity. There are goals and strategies in the Mexican educational system which demonstrate the government’s interest to promote equity and equality opportunities for the entire vulnerable population. These policies are based on the need to recognize the right of people with special educational needs to quality education. Consequently, one of the goals of Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2019-2024, it is a social policy which has actions to offer education for the entire population and sustainable development.

Therefore, El Tecnológico Nacional de México contributes with a cross-cutting strategy to the evolution with inclusion, total equality and sustainable development through inclusive education.

In this understanding, the purpose of this project is to design an action plan which allows to change a conventional teaching classroom to an inclusive teaching classroom in order to attend people with special educational needs belonging to priority groups of Tecnológico Nacional de México.


