
Jorge A. Garcia

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In 1521 the Mexica-Tenochca people from Mexico-Tenochtitlan took their last stand against the invasion of the Spanish army and their native allies. The story tells us that during this confrontation the Tlatoani Cuauhtemoczin addressed the people and gave them their last command. He told them that “our sun has concealed itself. Our sun has hidden itself and has left us in darkness. However, we know that it will return. It will come forth again and once again give us light. But while it remains in the house of resting and transformation, we should unite, concealing deep within our hearts all that we love” and “let the fathers and mothers become the teachers and guides that will lead their children while they live.” After addressing his people for the last time, the Tlatoani Cuauhtemoczin met Hernan Cortez with dignity for his duty to protect his people had ended. At that very moment a new chapter in the history of Anahuac2 had begun. At that precise moment of confrontation between the young leader and the Spaniard a new Mexicanidad3 emerged. This new Mexicanidad meant a religious syncretism that intended to safe guard the spiritual beliefs of the Mexica people by ingraining them into the beliefs of the Catholic Church.


