Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 2-3-1939


For a number of years sex differences on many varied topics have been popular studies for investigations. The old belief that the female was definitely inferior to the male has largely disappeared, and the female is rapidly taking her place in the competitive fields alongside the male. Racial and cultural differences alike have been subjected to various investigations, mainly in the field of psychology, and to a lesser extent in education.

The research reported here is concerned with (1) the investigation of sex and cultural differences in the statewide examination of academic achievement as indicated by differences in the means of each test; (2) the investigation of sex and cultural differences in the organization of abilities indicated by (a) differences in the intercorrelation of the test and (b) differences in loadings of the factors central to the tests.


Standardized Testing, New Mexico, Gender Studies, Critical Race Theory

Document Type




Degree Name

Educational Leadership

Level of Degree


Department Name

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Simon Peter Nanninga

Second Committee Member

Philip Hunter DuBois

Third Committee Member

Everett Hays Fixley
