Individual, Family, and Community Education ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 6-7-1963


It was the purpose of this study to explore the social structure of fifth-and sixth-grade classes in order to determine the social status of previously identified creative students in classrooms where the teachers have been rated as being high or low on the Minnesota Test of Creativity.

Creative children are identified by their ability to think divergently, to solve problems, in rather unconventional and novel ways, and by their frustrations when forced to solve problems in specified, conditional ways. These children may deviate in their behavior so much that their social status among their peers and their acceptability with their teachers and parents will be jeopardized. Highly conformist teachers who lack creativity are often subject-matter centered, and place a premium on convergent-thinking abilities in their pupils. There may result an unconscious repudiation of the creative student by the teacher, which will be reflected by his peers in the classroom situation.

Therefore, it is hypothesized that creative students in the classroom will be on the outer circle of a sociogram indicating social status among peer groups. This position indicates neglect or isolation.


Elementary Education, Educational Psychology, Creative Studies, Sociology, Minnesota Test of Creativity, Sociometric Behavior, Guilford's Theory of Intellect, New Mexico Schools

Document Type




Degree Name

Educational Psychology

Level of Degree


Department Name

Individual, Family, and Community Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

George L. Keppers

Second Committee Member


Third Committee Member


Included in

Education Commons
