"A Survey of the Public School Administrators' Attitudes Toward Physica" by Patrick A. Tabor

Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs

Publication Date



It is the purpose of this study to identify certain attitudes of the administrators of the public schools in the state of New Mexico. It is the further purpose of this study to determine the incidence of particular attitudes.

Hypothesis: The administrators of the state schools hold certain adverse opinions about physical education.

An attempt to measure an attitude is an attempt to measure an intangible. THe use of the questionnaire method of determining attitudes is limited by the response a person can give.

This study is limited to the public school administrators of the state of New Mexico.

Document Type




Degree Name

Physical Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

Armond H. Seidler

Second Committee Member

Lloyd Robert Burley

Third Committee Member

William Miner Dabney
