Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty Publications
Recursive Digital Filter Synthesis in the Time Domain, Francis Brophy and Andres C. Salazar
Synthesis for Spectrum Shaping Digital Filters of Recursive Design, Francis Brophy and Andres C. Salazar
Two Design Techniques for Digital Phase Networks, Francis Brophy and Andres C. Salazar
An Experimental Evaluation of Akamai Adaptive Video Streaming over HSDPA networks, Luca De Cicco, Saverio Mascolo, and Chaouki T. Abdallah
Data Pulse Design - Realizability Considerations, Gerald Foschini and Andres C. Salazar
Markov Process Analysis of PCM Line Monitors, Gerald Foschini, Andres C. Salazar, and James Smith
Statistical Methods for Determining Quality of Communication Channels, Scott Guthery and Andres C. Salazar
Incentivizing Cooperation in Sensor and Control Networks, J Khoury, Chaouki T. Abdallah, and J Crichigno
Design and Implementation of Transmitter and Receiver Filters with Periodic Coefficient Nulls for Digital Systems, Victor Lawrence and Andres C. Salazar
Finite Precision Design of Linear Phase FIR Filters, Victor Lawrence and Andres C. Salazar
Design of Transmitter and Receiver Filters for Decision Feedback Equalization, Andres C. Salazar
Economic Development at a Public University - A Process Model and Associated Metrics, Andres C. Salazar
Innovation and National Economic Strategy, Andres C. Salazar
Innovation and US Engineering School Ranking, Andres C. Salazar
Quo Vadis? Public Colleges and Their Funding, Andres C. Salazar
Seven Deadly Factors Associated with Technology Company Failure, Andres C. Salazar
Supplemting Engineering Education with Business Training, Andres C. Salazar
University Technology & Economic Development - The URC: A Proposed Model for Innovation and IP Capital Deployment, Andres C. Salazar
Network Management Systems for Data Communications, Andres C. Salazar, Phil Scarfo, and Robert Horn
Implementation of Voiceband Modems on a Digital Signal Processor, Andres C. Salazar, David Sherman, Shiv Verma, and Jean-Jacques Werner
Book Chapters
Digital Signal Computers and Processors, Andres C. Salazar
Learning Object
LINEAR ALGEBRA & MATRICES, Chaouki T. Abdallah, M. Ariola, and F. Amato
Managed Control of Composite Cloud Systems, Chaouki T. Abdallah, Christopher C. Lamb, Pramod A. Jamkhedkar, and Gregory L. Heileman
Synthesis of Data Pulse Shaping Networks, Gerald Foschini and Andres C. Salazar
Statistical Methods for Determining Quality of Communication Channels, Scott Guthery and Andres C. Salazar
Technical Reports
General Neural Networks Dynamics are a Superposition of Gradient-like and Hamiltonian-like Systems, Chaouki T. Abdallah, James W. Howse, and Gregory L. Heileman
Gradient-like dynamics in neural networks, Chaouki T. Abdallah, James W. Howse, and Gregory L. Heileman
Robust control of accelerators, Chaouki T. Abdallah and W. Joel Johnson
New Approaches to High Power Microwave Computation and Experimentation, Chaouki T. Abdallah and EdI Schamiloglu