Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-7-2023


With the complexity of high-performance computing designs continuously increasing, the importance of evaluating with simulation also grows. One of the key design aspects is the network architecture; topology and bandwidth greatly influence the overall performance and should be optimized. This work uses simulations written to run in the Structural Simulation Toolkit software framework to evaluate a variety of architecture configurations, identify the optimal design point based on expected workload, and evaluate the changes with increased scale. The results show that advanced topologies outperform legacy architectures justifying the additional design complexity; and that after a certain point increasing the bandwidth provides limited additional benefit, indicating resources should be spent improving other aspects of the design.


high-performance computing, distributed shared memory, topology, structural simulation toolkit, optimization

Document Type




Degree Name

Computer Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Payman Zarkesh-Ha

Second Committee Member

Jim Plusquellic

Third Committee Member

Xiang Sun

Fourth Committee Member

Patrick Bridges
