Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 1-25-2021
Source localization with sensor arrays have found applications across domains beginning with radar and sonar, astronomy, acoustics, bio-medical devices and more recently in autonomous cars and adaptive communication systems. The knowledge of the spatial spectrum not only provide information about the source and interference but also assists in increasing signal integrity and avoid interference. This provides an added degree of freedom in the form of spatial diversity. This research investigates spatial spectrum estimation of waveforms from the signals sampled by arbitrarily distributed sensors. Conventional high resolution algorithms such as root-MuSiC fails to perform accurate source localization due to the reliance of the polynomial rooting technique on the Vandermonde structure of the array manifold. Spatial interpolation methods to estimate the uniform equivalent from the irregularly sampled signal has been widely used to address the irregularity in sampling. We investigate the limitations of the current approaches and propose more accurate and robust interpolation methods. We formulate a complex Gaussian Process (GP) regression formulation to address the complex variable in communication signals as an alternative to the existing methodology. We further explore support vector regression (SVR) and introduce a complex SVR formulation endowed with Mercer’s Kernels to perform spatial interpolation. From conventional machine learning we move on to investigate deep learning strategies and propose an encoder-decoder architecture for spatial interpolation and denoising. We integrate the interpolation methods with a high resolution localization technique in the form of root-MuSiC and develop novel algorithms to perform source localization with arrays of any shape and size. From two step methodologies of spatial interpolation and subsequent angle of arrival estimation we delve into data driven approaches and propose an end-to-end framework for source localization using a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) architecture. The proposed framework is entirely data driven and can perform seamless source localization with sensor arrays of any given geometry.
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, DOA estimation, Array Signal Processing, LSTM, SVM, Gaussian Processes, Signal Processing
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Prof. Christos G. Christodoulou
Second Committee Member
Prof. Manel Martinez Ramon
Third Committee Member
Prof. Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez
Fourth Committee Member
Dr. David Murrell
Recommended Citation
Gupta, Arjun. "Source Localization with Machine Learning." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/569