Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-14-2021


The terahertz band (THz) in the electromagnetic spectrum is an untapped resource that possesses unique features for nondestructive methods of material imaging and detection. However, little advancements have been made in regard to a practical long range portable THz device. The solution proposed is an oversized cylindrical waveguide termed Power Combiner, designed to combine 12 azimuthally aligned rectangular waveguides to produce power levels suitable for threat detection at secure distances. This paper explores the physical parameters of the power combiner and the power distribution network and creates the 12 signals that allow for modification at the input of the power combiner. The correlation between optimizing the power distribution network and the power combiner’s radiation characteristics are studied for this novelty case.


Terahertz, 3D Printing, Power Combining, Electromagnetic

Document Type


Level of Degree


Department Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Edl Schamiloglu

Second Committee Member

Ahmed Elfrgani

Third Committee Member

Mark Gilmore
