Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-8-2020
A Physical Uncloneable Function (PUF) is an integrated circuit hardware primitivethat is designed to leverage naturally occurring variations to produce a randombitstring. The Aribiter (ARB) PUF is one of the first to be described in the literature.It derives its entropy from variations that occur in the delays of identically configuredlogic paths. The ARB PUF uses a phase comparator to decide which path of a pairis faster under a given challenge, and generates a 0 or 1 as a response indicatorbit. Unfortunately, the ARB PUF is not reliable, requiring error correction in caseswhere the sequence of response bits (the bitstring) needs to be reproduced. In thisproposal, a test structure is described, called a time-to-digital converter (TDC) thatis capable of measuring the actual delays of the paths. This type of ’soft’ informationcan be used to improve the reliability of the ARB PUF. Data obtained from a setof chips fabricated in IBM’s 90 nm technology, and collected across 9 temperature-voltage (TV) corners, is used to demonstrate its effectiveness.iv Current PUF designs are typically implemented in silicon like the ARB PUFor utilize variations found in commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts. Because ofthis, existing designs are insufficient for the authentication of Printed Circuit Boards(PCBs). In this thesis, we also propose a novel PUF design that leverages boardvariations in a manufactured PCB to generate unique and stable identifiers (IDs) foreach PCB. In particular, a single copper trace is used as a source of randomnessfor bitstring generation. The trace connects three notch filter structures in series,each of which is designed to reject specific but separate frequencies. The bitstringsgenerated with both the ARB PUF and the PCB PUF are evaluated using statisticaltests which measure randomness, uniqueness and reliability.
Document Type
Degree Name
Computer Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Jim Plusquellic
Second Committee Member
Payman Zarkesh-Ha
Third Committee Member
Jedidiah Crandall
Third Advisor
Todd Bauer
Recommended Citation
Martin, Mitch. "Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Delay Paths and an Interdigital Microstrip Notch Filter." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/521