Dental Hygiene ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 8-1-2023


The purpose of this study is to assess immigrational trauma as it relates to dental phobia in accessing care from undocumented individuals. Immigrating from a country to the United States presents with unique challenges. These challenges include language barriers, traumatic experiences and cultural factors. These individuals also have perceived notions regarding their treatment with a physician or dentist as their immigration status may or may not be revealed during their care. If reported, they face deportation to their country of origin placing them in the danger they originally fled from. Survey data was collected using REDCap and distributed to students from El Centro de la Raza via their weekly newsletter upon IRB approval (HRRC ID # 23-124). Once data was received, descriptive analysis was done to evaluate participants responses. In conclusion, the collected data showed parallels between the questions that were asked and the participants answers.

Degree Name

Dental Hygiene

Level of Degree


Department Name

Dental Medicine

First Committee Member (Chair)

Robin Gatlin

Second Committee Member

Christina Calleros

Third Committee Member

Christine Nathe




immigration, dental phobia, DACA, access to care, dental care, immigrant health

Document Type

