Communication ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-10-2021


The Changing and Transitioning Name Narrative project is a replicated study from the Name Narrative Project (2014) by Montoya, Vasquez, and Martínez. The changing and/or transitioning of names relates to a Decolonial Embodiment Process (DE.E.P.) that speaks to an internal process of how individuals break away from colonial powers. Furthermore, the study highlights nine (eight volunteers and the author’s) Name Narratives to investigate their realities that express an individual experience and shared standpoints. Importantly, the changing and/or transitioning of names is not an act to disrespect parents or name givers, but a profound self-love indication that is represented through materialize physical means (names) to embody their own self-identity and self-empowerment. Lastly, I hope that this project encourages creativity, vulnerability, and realness to decolonial scholarship that validates and honors the Otherness and in-betweenness of people from several intersectionalities and dualities.




Decolonial Embodiment Process (DE.E.P.), Name Narratives, Identity, Otherness, Inbetweenness

Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Communication and Journalism

First Committee Member (Chair)

Michael Lechuga

Second Committee Member

Jaelyn de María

Third Committee Member

Evan Ashworth
