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The authors have been using this syllabus for more than a dozen years to teach a 35-hour workshop entitled How to write a manuscript in the biomedical scientists' to graduate and undergraduate students in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chemistry and Nutrition in the U.S., and to PhD-basic scientists and clinical faculty at teaching hospitals in Nigeria, Turkey, India and Taiwan. The purpose of the syllabus is to educate investigators about the overall organization of a manuscript and the structure and function of each of the components, including: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Discussion, References and Tables and Figures. Participants in the workshop are expected to write from a corpus of their own data and by the end of the program to have generated a complete and polished manuscript suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. The syllabus also discusses ethical issues associated with authorship and provides advice about how to optimize one's writing environment and psychology.'

Language (ISO)



Copyright 1/17/2008 RegNumber: TXu1-613-325
