Civil Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-15-2022
Drinking water scarcity is a global challenge as ground water and surface water availability diminishes. The atmosphere is an alternative freshwater reservoir that has universal availability and an abundance of water within the air. This makes the atmosphere a great source to capture drinking water. In order to effectively perform Atmospheric Water Harvesting (AWH) we need to 1) understand how different climate regions (e.g., arid, temperate, and tropical) drive the amount of water being produced, and 2) determine the cost to purchase, operate, and power AWH. This research pairs thermodynamics with Techno-Economic Analysis, a method of analyzing the economic performance and feasibility of a technology, to highlight the cost breakdown and water productivity of AWH across climates.
Techno-Economic Analysis, Atmospheric Water Harvesting, Water Reuse, Climate Modeling, Dehumidifier
Special thanks to Pepsi Co, Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST), and New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute for funding this research
Document Type
Degree Name
Civil Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Civil Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Anjali Mulchandani
Second Committee Member
Kerry Howe
Third Committee Member
Jingjing Wang
Recommended Citation
Gayoso, Natalie. "Techno-Economic Analysis of Atmospheric Water Harvesting Across Climates." (2022). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ce_etds/292