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60) A close view of the Cantagalo favela. The favelas grew and expanded in all areas of the city, primarily on the slopes of hills. Large settlements like Vidigal and Rocinha are literally small mini-cities surrounded by middle and upper class neighborhoods. It is, however, wrong to assume that the favelas are disorganized, for many of these have existed for many years and have strong neighborhood associations.60) Vista de perto da Favela do Cantagalo. As favelas cresceram e se expandiram em todas as áreas da cidade, principalmente no declive dos morros. Grandes assentamentos, tais como Vidigal e Rocinha, são literalmente pequenas mini-cidades, cercadas por uma vizinhança de classes média e alta. É, no entanto, errado supor que as favelas são desorganizadas, uma vez que muitas delas existem há muitos anos e têm associações de moradores fortes e organizadas.


Latin American and Iberian Institute / University of New Mexico


Brazil Slide Series Collection: This article is copyrighted by the Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) of the University of New Mexico. Rights permission is for standard academic, non-commercial, use of these materials. Proper citation of this material should include title, author, publisher, date, and URL. Copyright Latin American and Iberian Institute University of New Mexico 1991


Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
