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Caboclo girl. The population in the this region is characterized 10cally as caboclo (mixed Indian and Caucasian). Nearly 150,000 Indians are scattered throughout the Amazon Basin, remnants of the estimated four to seven million the Portuguese found when they arrived in 1500. Contagious diseases, slavery or indentured labor, agricultural and mining development projects, roadbuilding and colonization have decimated innumerable tribes. In recent years, increased attempts have been made to protect remaining tribes through Indian reservations, but implementation has been slow and enforcement has often been relaxed with regard to squatter disputes. When new sources of mineral wealth are discovered on Indian lands, the government has consistent1y looked the other way while intruders move in.Menina cabocla. A população desta região é constituida principalmente de caboclos (uma mistura de índio com branco). Quase 150.000 índios estão espalhados por toda a bacia Amazónica, remanescentes dos 4 a 7 milhões de índios que os portugueses encontraram quando chegaram em 1500. Trabalho escravo ou mal remunerado, doenças contagiosas, projetos de desenvolvimento agropecuário ou mineral, construção de estradas e colonização dizimaram inúmeras tribos. Recentemente esforços foram feitos para proteger as tribos restantes através de reservas indígenas. Porém, a implantação foi demorada e a execução muitas vezes relaxada, devido a disputas com os posseiros. Quando novas fontes de riquezas minerais são descobertas em terras indígenas, o governo tem freqüentemente adotado uma posição neutra ou indiferente, enquanto as invasões às reservas indígenas prosseguem.


Latin American and Iberian Institute / University of New Mexico


Brazil Slide Series Collection: This article is copyrighted by the Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) of the University of New Mexico. Rights permission is for standard academic, non-commercial, use of these materials. Proper citation of this material should include title, author, publisher, date, and URL. Copyright Latin American and Iberian Institute University of New Mexico 1988


Brazil: Introduction to Brazil
