Biomedical Sciences ETDs

Publication Date

Winter 11-29-2022


Quiescence is a distinct cell cycle phase, termed G0, in which growth, transcriptional and translational activity, and replication are halted. Importantly, quiescent cells are viable and can return to the cell cycle. Quiescence is a feature of all organisms and a key hallmark of stem cells; however, the regulation of quiescence is still poorly understood.

Prior studies have implicated chromatin in the regulation of quiescence. In aim 1 I conducted a comprehensive screen of H3 and H4 histone mutants to identify chromatin features that may affect quiescence. I identified several histone residues implicated in transcriptional regulation that altered quiescence and quiescence-specific chromatin condensation. In aim 2 I further characterized two mutants identified in the screen that have altered chromatin condensation. I found that global transcriptional repression still occurred in quiescent cells despite differences in chromatin condensation. This suggests that condensation may regulate transcription of discrete groups of genes in quiescence.


Yeast, Quiescence, Chromatin, Histone, Condensin, Screen


National Institutes of Health

Document Type




Degree Name

Biomedical Sciences

Level of Degree


Department Name

Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program

First Committee Member (Chair)

Scott Ness, PhD

Second Committee Member

Hua-Ying Fan, PhD

Third Committee Member

Peng Mao, PhD

Fourth Committee Member

Mark McCormick, PhD

Fifth Committee Member

Mary Ann Osley, PhD

Available for download on Tuesday, May 13, 2025
