Biomedical Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 12-11-2020
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) patients respond favorably to induction chemotherapy, however, long-term outcomes remain poor due to a high rate of chemoresistance and bone marrow minimal residual disease. To improve long-term patient outcomes, it’s critical to identify regulators of chemotherapy resistance in AML and develop therapies that are directed towards bone marrow resident AML cells. In Chapter 2, we uncover the impact of CD82 expression in AML response to chemotherapeutic treatment and the contribution of Protein Kinase C α (PKCα) and β1 integrin signaling in promoting p38 MAPK activation to support CD82-mediated AML cell survival. In Chapter 3, we demonstrate that CD82 regulates AML cell quiescence in the bone marrow niche through the activation of TGF-β-SMAD2/3 signaling and promoting crosstalk with β1 integrin. Collectively, the studies described in this dissertation uncover novel mechanisms of AML chemoresistance and dormancy and identify potential clinical targets to improve long-term patient outcomes.
AML, BSGP, CD82, Tetraspanin, Resistance, MRD
Document Type
Degree Name
Biomedical Sciences
Level of Degree
Department Name
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Jennifer Gillette
Second Committee Member
Dr. Angela Wandinger-Ness
Third Committee Member
Dr. Diane Lidke
Fourth Committee Member
Dr. Scott Ness
Recommended Citation
Floren, Muskan. "IMPACT OF CD82 EXPRESSION ON ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA CHEMOSENSITIVITY AND QUIESCENCE." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biom_etds/217