Biology ETDs

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The effects of stable cesium-133 on cesium-137 metabolism were studied to better define mechanisms of cesium transport and binding by rat tissues. The extent to which the hypothetical cesium transport system can be overloaded was examined by giving cesium-133 and cesium-137 intraperitoneal injections within short time intervals. Whole animal and isolated tissue counts were made with a small animal whole body counter. Stable cesium-133 (0.02 g per animal) injected from 3 minutes to 24 hours prior to cesium-137 (0.15 ml containing 0.24 µCi per 100 g body weight) had little effect on the uptake of cesium-137 by tissues. Expressing data as a tissue index, the ratio of activity par unit weight of tissue to the activity per unit weight of the whole animal, permitted definition of the effect of time and other experimental variables. Binding sites have been described as being important in determining rate of cesium loss by tissues, however, data herein supports the hypothesis that cesium binding sites are not a major factor in the uptake of cesium by tissues, and that passive diffusion is a key factor in uptake of cesium by tissues.

Project Sponsors

Atomic Energy Commission research contract AT(29-2)-1629



Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

UNM Biology Department

First Committee Member (Chair)

Marvin LeRoy Riedesel

Second Committee Member

Martin William Fleck

Third Committee Member

Earl Whitfield Bourne

Included in

Biology Commons
