Biology ETDs
Publication Date
Physical, chemical, and physiological responses of rats, after carbon tetrachloride inhalation (400 ppm) and comparable injection exposure, are presented and discussed. Data collected during the last four of five biweekly exposures illustrate some of the acute effects of CC14 exposure superimposed on a pattern of chronic response. Fat deposition is increased as indicated by the rapid and substantial weight gains through the fourth exposure week. Final liver-body weight ratios are high in the CC14 - treated animals. The experimental rats excrete more urea after week 3, whereas they have stable creatinine excretion until the fifth week. Urea-creatinine ratios for the first 4 weeks indicate a return to control values between weeks 3 and 4. Total protein utilization is constant until the fourth week. Percentage weight loss during the 24-hr food deprivation and urine collection periods appears to be a function of the added stress of starvation and weight loss decreases during the second deprivation period. No histological evidence of alteration is apparent; hepatomegaly does occur. After exposure week 5 liver-body weight ratios are higher in the inhalation group, urea and creatinine excretion are increased in the exposed rats, and total protein utilization is elevated in the injected group. Similarities between control and experimental rats are present in total body weights, percentage weight loss, urea-creatinine ratios, and histology. A compensatory mechanism appears to begin functioning by the end of week 3 in the experimental animals.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
Marvin LeRoy Riedesel
Second Committee Member
Clarence Clayton Hoff
Third Committee Member
Gordon Verle Johnson
Recommended Citation
Orndorff, Mable H.. "Observation of a Compensatory Mechanism in the Rat During Carbon Tetrachloride Exposure." (1971). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/520