Art & Art History ETDs
Publication Date
The interest of the modern artist and craftsman in primitive art has increased yearly since the official discovery of this variety of art in the early years of the twentieth century. To meet the demand for information that this interest has aroused, large numbers of books and articles, many illustrating handsome examples of primitive work, have been compiled. These works, though often valuable and exciting, usually fail to give anything approaching a complete examination of one subject. An art student of a particular subject must turn to the works of the anthropologist, rather than to the works of the art historian. Here he will find a rich and extensive field, as the anthropologist began collecting the artifacts of primitive peoples nearly one half century before most of them were officially recognized as art.
Document Type
Degree Name
Art History
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Department of Art and Art History
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lez Lewis Haas
Second Committee Member
Willard Williams Hill
Third Committee Member
Kenneth Miller Adams
Recommended Citation
Aller, Diane Lee. "A Survey of Southwestern Indian Stone, Shell, and Bone Sculpture." (1954). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arth_etds/79