Architecture and Planning ETDs
The Energy Dilemma: An Analysis of the Solar Total Energy System with Guidelines for its Application
Publication Date
The energy dilemma in the United States is manifold. From extraction of fuel from the earth to consumption of fuel by society, mankind continues to degrade the environment in his efforts to meet energy demands. As man continues to scratch and claw for the earth's energy resources, he is assuring that their ultimate depletion will result. Estimates of the life span of coal resources indicate that 80 percent will be depleted by the year 2400. Oil and natural gas are not so abundant, with 80 percent being depleted by about 2050. Of a more immediate nature is the United States dependence on foreign energy sources. Oil and natural gas imports have reached such a level as to threaten a favorable balance of payments with other countries. In the face of these dim energy projections, an alternative energy source would seem essential. The solar total energy system of Sandia Laboratories may soon provide a feasible alternative to the traditional forms of energy. The system would collect solar energy at relatively high temperatures by means of a focused, single tracking collector. The high temperature energy collected would be used to generate electricity by means of a Rankine turbine generator. Sufficient low temperature energy is rejected by the turbine generator to meet the additional energy requirements of heating, cooling, and domestic hot water. Simulated applications of the solar total energy system reveal some of the critical factors, as well as indicate guidelines for future applications of the system. By developing a community model based on a gaming methodology, a wide range of community models can be formulated to test the variables of density, building types, distribution of building types, size, and configuration of the community. The data was generated by a computer analysis of the 2,000 dwelling unit solar community by the Solar Energy Division of Sandia Laboratories.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
School of Architecture and Planning
First Committee Member (Chair)
Edward Mazria
Second Committee Member
Robert Stromberg
Third Committee Member
Edith Ann Cherry
Recommended Citation
Strub, Floyd. "The Energy Dilemma: An Analysis of the Solar Total Energy System with Guidelines for its Application." (1975).